Jun 23, 2021
In this episode, you can hear a chat with Vitalik Demin the
Chief of Product at Gossip, a voice-based social network app about
how he became involved in the startup and how they are approaching
all things product there. It's a great chance to hear how small
start-ups get their initial product experiments and learnings done
quickly, and what issues life throws at you as you try and get your
product delivered to customers.
twitter - @deliveritcast
email - deliveritcast@gmail.com
PO Coaching and Consulting - seek taiju
Vitalik Demin - @VitalikGDemin on twitter -
"What’s The Gossip App and Why I Love Building and Using
Gossip App - https://thegossip.app/
First Round -
Don’t Serve Burnt Pizza (And Other Lessons in Building Minimum
Lovable Products)
Marty Cagan - The
CSPO Pathology
Adam Bennett -
Effective steps you can take to create a winning product