Jan 27, 2016
There are many decisions a Product Owner needs to make in the service of working with teams and stakeholders to make amazing products. The ability to confidently make decisions depends on the authority you are given and the ability to align the goals and vision across all interested parties. Sparked by a post from Bob Galen, this episode digs into the decision-making process with some strategies, frameworks, and ideas to help.
twitter - @deliveritcast
email - deliveritcast@gmail.com
Co-host Post - http://deliveritcast.com/looking-for-a-new-co-host
Nir Eyal - Hooked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDtycnZgCfY
Geoff Watts - https://inspectandadapt.com/blog/mastering-yourself-product-owner/
Bob Galen - http://rgalen.com/agile-training-news/2015/12/10/decisions-decisions-decisions
Lindsey Scott - Three things project managers need to make better decisions/