Jan 13, 2016
One of the many specialists that a Product Owners needs to create amazing products is a Designer or UX team. The expertise and creativity that they bring to the effort will make your results much more successful. In this episode, you’ll hear from Sarah Kahn, a UX designer as we discuss some of the ways POs can help designers out, work better together, and deliver the best products we can.
twitter - @deliveritcast
email - deliveritcast@gmail.com
Co-host Post - http://deliveritcast.com/looking-for-a-new-co-host
Sarah Kahn - @aarahkahak - kahnlab.com - @gdirdu
Bob Galen - http://rgalen.com/agile-training-news/2015/12/10/decisions-decisions-decisions
Fabrice Wegner - Vicious Circle of Preparation
Harish Venkatsan - http://www.mindtheproduct.com/2015/08/4-design-skills-every-product-manager-should-have
Design Thinking - https://hbr.org/2015/09/design-thinking-comes-of-age
Design Thinking and Product Management - DT & PM