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The Agile Product Owner's Podcast

May 2, 2018


Product Owners think a lot about delivering value and how best to do that. One way that can help focus those efforts is a technique from Gojko Adzic called Impact Mapping.  On this episode, Gojko joins us to talk about the basic concepts, some tricks to asking better questions while putting one together, and ways to help facilitate better collaboration. It’s a very interesting area and skill for PO’s to learn and after listening, you should be able to start creating one yourself.        



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PO Coaching and Consulting - seek taiju

Gojko Adzic @gojkoadzic

Gojko Adzic - Impact Mapping with Innovation Games

Gojko Adzic - Product Owner Key Skills – Impact Mapping, Story Mapping and Valuable User Stories

Mark Schwartz - The Art of Business Value

Ronny Kohavi - Online Experimentation at Microsoft

Chris Williams - Why We Can't Stop Overcomplicating Agile